
Monday 21 February 2011

Brighton Zine Fest

Yesterday I went to the Brighton Zine Fest at Hanover Community Centre in Brighton (near the seafront!!!!)

I wanted to go to find out about what other people are doing with their Zines, how they make them, what they look like and the content. In brief, I wanted to emmerse myself into the culture.

This is what the website says about the fair:

Below features a list of Stall holders:

I picked up a few great examples of zines I was inspired by and I will document these below...


- This was by far my favorite zine of the fair. It has been created by the illustrator Sarah Clark and features an illustrated feminist story.

-The fornt and back covers are made of brown felt and have been screen printed with a translucent glue to add an extra texture and image to them. (VERY CLEVER)

- The paper is of an organic feel, very textured and she had folded A4 sheets into A5 and sewn them together with the felt as the binding. A cute and neat way of producing something unique!


- This zine caught my eye due to the bright colours and quirky deisgn on the front. 

- I loved how inside there was a cartoon of how the makes of the zine screen-printed it.

-There is also a mirror at the back that they have added on through reflective paper and I just like the change in medium. 


This one had some weird content but I liked the added extra of a badge at the front and it also had some cool layouts of pages.


-An amazing use of current objects/media to create a zine. This comic zine uses a job centre application form to write and vandalise on their comic story of a guy trying to find a job!


-I also love how it comes in a little wallet too!

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed going,

Abbie xxx

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